Monday, January 23, 2012

Baby Boomers Ultimate Anti- Aging Concepts: 5 Radical Tips

Many of us “Baby Boomers” are each beginning to feel our age, and we’re starting to live it too.  Every morning, clock radios everywhere announce the start of another day.  As a typical boomer rolls out of bed, an old ache, pain, and/or little worry makes its presence known, just like the day before.  The same beverage -- coffee, tea, or maybe even caffeinated soda --  is ingested in an attempt to energize the same tired face reflected in the morning mirror.
By the time we hit our 50’s, we may have feelings that our lives are not as they could be.  Yes, there are pills, and  many varieties of the “quick fix”’ (also called the “Life Makeover”) -- everything from creams to diets and Bo-tox injections, perfect-sounding and easy “fountains of youth,”  for ourselves.  Let’s face it , most of us are looking for ways to slow the ticking of our biological clocks.

I’m here to tell you that in order to really slow that clock down, we must get “radical” in our approach to controlling our processes; getting radical means that we can, in the words of Star Trek character Jean Luc Picard, “make it so”.  We can literally make our own clocks tick more slowly.

Getting radical is a process that occurs within ourselves.  First of all, it’s the power of our intentions and the measure of our wills.  It’s saying to ourselves -- with conviction -- “I want this to be!”  Next, it’s believing, strongly, that we can!  When we commit ourselves to these beliefs, we are then capable of achieving many remarkable accomplishments of mind and body. All we have to do is to challenge ourselves and our perceptions of who we are.  The five radical tips follow:

1.  Firewalking:  How does walking on fire relate to youthing?  An art that’s been practiced in many cultures for thousands of years, firewalking is about mind/body transformation.   Its goal is to” question”  the laws of nature.  The experience becomes a powerful metaphor for anti-aging  and it’s a very radical way of challenging ourselves to stretch beyond what we think is possible.

2.  Breathwork.  This is a simple yet profound yogic breathing technique that has a cleansing and healing effect at all levels of our awareness -- physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental.  It’s the quickest method available that can aid us in healing from previous traumas, negative belief systems, and unwanted “baggage” that many of us unconsciously carry around with us.

3.  Fasting.     Fasting is perhaps the most powerful tip for youthing.  Many of us, especially in the U.S., literally eat ourselves to death.  Note: there are many types of fasts and many reasons for fasting.  It’s wise to check with your health care practitioner before fasting.

4.  Physical Immortality.  Now here is an idea whose time has arrived.  Let’s imagine this concept:  “Life without death is pure life.”  When we do this, we’re unraveling our personal death urge, which dwells somewhere inside us in that place where pain, aging, and negativity also dwell.  While I realize this is a radical idea, relax.  We really don’t have to buy into this idea; in order to let the concept work its magic, we just need to be open to it.

5.  Hypnosis.  As Deepak Chopra has written in AGELESS BODY TIMELESS MIND: ”Aging seems to be something that’s happening to you, when in fact it is something your body has largely learned to do.  It has learned to carry out the programming fed into it by you, the programmer” (Harmony Books, 1993).
Hypnotherapy is simple, very effective, and can be fun, depending on its purpose; and whether a hypnotherapy session is done in person or by phone, it sets the stage for stretching beyond set limitations.  Hypnosis is the art of placing the conscious self in a state of heightened suggestibility.

  During this time the unconscious self is very open to change and can literally set aside any limiting beliefs that may have been interfering with one’s ability to change.

It’s a proven fact that our bodies are constantly creating new and healthy cells to replace old and damaged ones, and every new cell gets its “replacing” instructions from the DNA contained in the old cell.  So, it stands to reason that if our DNA programs our new cells with the healthiest and youngest information possible as a blueprint for development, the body’s cell memories will change.

 This process is called “Cell Transformation”.  The question arises:  Can hypnosis really be a powerful tool to us in order to literally tell our bodies cells to be younger?  From my experience,  I believe the answer is yes.
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Monday, January 16, 2012

Tricks for avoiding dry, itch winter skin

If it dry and cold where you live work or play, It's winter skin season, but he fix may not be as obvious as they seem. Rather than bide your time until April,

Tips on seasonal care and protection to stave off itchy, flaky and cracked skin.

Don't take extra hot shower
As much as you want the comfort of that heat when it's chilly, there's less moisture in the air during winter and hot showers can further dehydrate your skin. Make shower as tepid as can tolerate. If you can't stand the chill, find a space heater safe for bathroom use. Take shorter, fewer, cooler or soap free shower

Don't assume that drinking water.

Replacing fluids internally is enough to keep your skin healthy during cold weather. Zalka is all of drinking water to stay hydrated but cautions that  moisture from the extra fluids can evaporate if not trapped by the epidermis, the skin's outer layer.

Moisturizing is so important this time of year because it protects the outer layer from winter's wrath while retaining natural moisture from with. Remember that certain beverages are dehydrating such as those containing alcohol or caffeine, so consume them in moderation,

Don't necessarily stick to the same

A skin care regimen that worked during the warm, humid days of summer may not provide the same results in cold weather. Change your cleanser from a strong to milder formulation, your exfoliator from strong to gentler and your moisturizer from light to richer. humidify the air in your home, especially in your bedroom so that healing and repair can take place while you sleep.

Don't forget sunblock.

It's just as important during winter as it is in summer, In the winter it feels cold because very little infrared light reaches the earth. The opposite is true in the summer. However, in the winter ultraviolet light is 90 percent as strong as it is in the summer but since we can't feel or see it. we mistakenly think it's absent, too.

Don't ignore hair and nails.

They made of the same basic compounds as the skin and crack and split in similar fashion. B vitamin supplements can improve skin hair and nails, especially during winter. clothing can protect exposed, sensitive skin such as the cheeks and hands but be careful of fabrics like rough wool that can further irritate chapped skin. wearing slightly loose cotton gloves to bed after applying a sealant will speed the healing process for hurting hands and nails.

For more information visit

Monday, January 9, 2012

All You Ever Wanted To Know About Acne - The Definitive Guide

For some people, acne represents nothing more than the key to the door into adulthood - almost a rite of passage as the body changes. As the most common disease in the world, it is often taken for granted that spots, blackheads and greasy skin will stake their temporary claim on the faces of almost everyone in the world.

However, for approximately 15% of people, these spots will persist, or be widespread and scarring. With surprisingly poor, inadequate information available to teenagers about acne management, many do not even realise the pharmacy assistant and pharmacist are able to provide help.

How much do you really know about acne and its causes? Do you know that there is no proven link with diet and acne? Did you realise that not everyone grows out of having acne, with 5% of women and 1% of men in their 40's still suffering from a 'teenage' problem?

What are the Common Acne Myths?

The starting point of correct acne management should start from clearing up the myths:

1. Acne is caused by food. Scientific studies have not found a link between diet and acne. Prisoners in the United States were enrolled on a trial to determine whether chocolate had a direct effect upon the sebaceous glands. At the end of the trial, it was concluded that acne was not affected by chocolate consumption. However, it is always sensible to advise a healthy, balanced diet, whilst reassuring that food will not affect acne.

2. Acne is contagious. Doctors have studied the effect of extracting pus from one spot and injecting it directly into unaffected skin. This experiment concluded that it did not spread spots.

3. Acne is caused by dirt. Spots are caused by activity beneath the skin and therefore surface dirt will play only a small role in the formation of acne. People think that the black in a blackhead is caused by dirt, but it is the skin's natural melanin, which turns black once it comes into contact with the air. Some people will even claim that over-washing can cause acne, but this may be hard to prove.

4. Acne is caused by too many hormones. Hormones have a large role to play in the formation of acne, but it is easy to misunderstand this as the body producing too many hormones. In one acne clinic held at a top Leeds centre for acne research, all patients attending that day's clinic were asked to provide a blood sample, which was later analysed for hormone levels. There was no significant increase in male hormones in these patients, which suggested that it is therefore sensitivity to male hormones present in normal levels in the skin that is to blame.

5. Everyone grows out of acne. Acne usually has a four to eight year timeline from start to finish. If you get it when you are 12 you should se the end of it between 16 and 20. The average age range for acne is 14 to 22. However Acne can persist into adulthood and 8% of acne sufferers are over 40 It is rare to have acne for a lifetime, but some people will not grow out of their acne. Research from Leeds University suggests that acne lasts on average for eight years.

6. Acne and spots are not same. Many people will try to distinguish between acne and spots. In fact, acne is just the medical name doctors give for spots. However, someone with the occasional, mild spot would not be described as having clinical acne. Approximately 15% of all people who have 'spots' will require further help from a doctor to treat their skin.

7. Stress causes acne. The ordinary stress in day to day living is not an important factor in acne. Only situations of extreme stress, such as divorce, exams or death of a close family member may induce acne or make existing acne worse; however this is not common and will usually respond well to usual acne treatments.

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Monday, January 2, 2012

A Permanent Cure for Acne Scars ?

Ask anybody who has ever suffered from acne what was the least enjoyable part of the whole experience and probably the most possible answer will be the scars - acne scars that remain long after acne is gone. If having acne is considered bad, then what about having acne scars for several years more ? If acne scars are what you want to either avoid or get rid of, then a few tips are presented here ...

Prevention is better than cure

If you are still in the early stages of acne then you might want to consult a qualified dermatologist at the earliest to prevent acne from getting worse. Getting rid of acne fast can greatly reduce the chances of scarring later on. A qualified dermatologist can help determine your skin type and the particular triggers that may exacerbate your acne help you get rid of acne fast.

What if you already have scars?

Well, if your acne has already progressed beyond the initial stage of whiteheads and blackheads and you now have pimples and scars on your face, then you have to do two things at the same time - get rid of pimples and get rid of acne scars.

Before discussing how to eliminate acne scars, you may want to know...

What are acne scars?

Acne scars are caused when pimples either get inflamed or do not heal fully. Acne scars are formed when at least one of the layers of healthy skin is injured. When the skin is damaged and bleeding, the body forms new tissue fibers at the place to heal the wound and stop the bleeding. It is these tissues that may appear as a scar.

So getting rid of scars requires that the scar tissue be replaced by healthy tissue by some process or method.
Becoming completely free of acne scars that already have been formed depends on two things : 1) The severity of the scarring and  2) the treatment method you follow. The more severe the scarring, the more effort and time it may require before the scar can completely heal.

Treatment methods for acne scars

There are several methods to heal acne scars but in practice very few of them may be very effective. And some methods may have side effects that you may want to be aware of before you start such a program.
Laser Resurfacing: A carbon dioxide laser burns away the damaged skin, layer by layer. The depth of penetration is controlled. As the outer layers of damaged skin is removed, new skin cells begin to form as the healing process starts and in a few weeks, a younger looking smoother skin surface begins to appear.

This is how the process is supposed to work, at least in theory. Laser resurfacing is a relatively new process and you might want to ask your dermatologist about the effectiveness of this method in healing acne scars.

 This uses a spinning diamond instrument or a rotating wire brush to wear down the outer layers of the skin that have been damaged. And when the skin starts healing, younger and smoother skin will replace the old skin removed by abrasion. The healing process may take up to 3 weeks.

Chemical peels for acne scars:
 Acidic solutions are applied to the skin to peel away the damaged layers and the new skin that is formed is usually smoother. Chemical peels range from mild to deep penetration. Though chemical peels can be applied at home, it would be advisable to get a dermatologist to apply it.

Punch grafts: More suitable for deep and pitted acne scars, this method involves punching a hole to remove the scar and then removing a small piece of undamaged skin - usually from the area behind the ear - and using it to replace the damaged skin.

There are treatments for acne scars. But the question you may want to ask is...

Do They Work?

All of the treatments mentioned above seem to have a moderate success rate - while they seem to work well for others, some are less than delighted with these treatments. While results like these may be expected with any medical procedure, your face is a very important part of your life and you will want to be absolutely certain that any treatment will be beneficial to your sense of well-being and not otherwise.
In case you want to read other acne treatments that seem to work very well, you may want to see how to get rid of acne marks .

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