Average drinking means one to two glasses of wine daily. From improving heart health to decreasing cholesterol, average consumption of red wine can help you stay healthy. The antioxidants in red wines have been shown to provide certain security against heart ill health as they act like warriors, stopping the oxidation process whereby reactive particles known as “free radicals” cause damage to healthy cells.
Alcohol has been shown to help your heart in quite a lot of ways: by raising your HDL (high-density lipoproteins) or "good" cholesterol, reducing blood pressure and preventing the creation of blood clots.
However, there's a new twist of fate to alcohol drinkers, specially among party girls, as modern studies show some link between alcohol and breast cancer in women. Having one to two drinks a day, once careful as average drinking, is now being linked to the higher risks of breast cancer in women. The said augment in jeopardy of breast cancer amid women who regularly spend alcohol has risen by 10 percent. Make that three or more drinks a day, and the risk triples to 30 percent.
According to Dr. Yan Li, show the way researcher at Kaiser Permanente, they were able to compile and question data on the drinking habits of 70,033 women of a mixture of races and backgrounds. Their study was focused on influential whether the type of alcohol or just the amount a woman drinks impacts her breast cancer risk. “It makes no difference if a woman drinks wine, beer or liquor. It's the alcohol itself and the size consumed that is grave,” Dr. Li said. In fact, drinking three or more drinks a day may explain into an extra 5 percent of all women mounting breast cancer as a result of heavy drinking.
In 2000, a Danish study had found that red wine drinkers had half the hazard of disappearing from heart sickness as non-alcohol drinkers. However, some researchers are not won over and recommends further studies regarding health benefits of red wine. The American Heart Association involves for more research until they do think drinking wine or any other alcohol for its benefits.
Though the cause of augmented danger for breast cancer by heavy use of alcohol leftovers a mystery, Dr. Li and her colleagues believe that further study may support the substantiation that alcohol could alter the pathway of female hormones and produce more hormone insightful breast cancer.
Based to Heather Spencer Feigelson, spokeswoman for the American Cancer Society, “the menace of drinking one glass of red wine a day is very low. It's an individual choice.” With further studies still needed to establish whether the heart-health benefits outweigh the newly shown risk of breast cancer, the resolution is up to the women if they still want their glass of red wine as long as they examine their own menace of heart ill health and breast cancer. “Each woman has to evaluate her own danger factors to conclude what alcohol will do to them,” said Dr. Li
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