For most issues related to teenagers, fads rule the rest. And skin care issues are highest between teenagers. Today any medium, be it magazines, newspapers, television or the Internet are snowed under with skin care correlated articles. These articles could include a range of therapies and homemade options for skin care. Ranging from the utterly natural to those which involve chemicals, these articles give the reader with the much needed options to their skin allied problems.
These days, the latest craze in skin care regimes is natural antioxidant skin care. The belief that is being popularized these days is that the more natural the product being used the more successful and devoid of side belongings it will be. This perception has a strong past background since it is a known fact that queens and princesses of the ages gone by used natural extracts of plants like hibiscus and olive to keep their skin glowing and youthful.
Over time, man has refined these very essentials and made them available to the ordinary man in the form of tubes, bottles and cans containing moisturizers, creams, shampoos and anti-aging gels. These contain the richness of the plentiful health secrets hidden in the flora and fauna of the jungles. The only difference is that they are more likely to have been harvested in a research laboratory and tested before being vacant to you for use.
These distilled substances used to a healthy body are being called nutriceuticals at large. This new adding up to the dictionary is made up of the words ‘nutrients’ and pharmaceutical’.
Most companies which make skin care connected products flaunt the goodness of antioxidants and natural products that enclose antioxidants. An antioxidant is something that destroys the detrimental oxygen free radicals. These free radicals could be a product of normal working of the body or could be created due to outdoor factors like ultraviolet rays from the sun.
Though the idea of free radicals is very intricate to explain, be adequate it to know that these radicals can be destructive and can result in mutation in genes. metamorphosis can lead to skin cancer and make the individual incapable of repairing the damage done to the skin. With antioxidants we can border the number of free radicals in our system, thereby making certain that we not only keep our skin limber and glowing but also healthy.
This brilliant discovery of how antioxidants can work to negate the effect of free radicals had led to fantastic products which can help in tackling issues associated to ageing skin. Problems like wrinkles, spots, pigmentation and small growths can be resolved with ever-increasing the amount of antioxidants in your diet and oral function of antioxidant concentrates.
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