Monday, January 16, 2012

Tricks for avoiding dry, itch winter skin

If it dry and cold where you live work or play, It's winter skin season, but he fix may not be as obvious as they seem. Rather than bide your time until April,

Tips on seasonal care and protection to stave off itchy, flaky and cracked skin.

Don't take extra hot shower
As much as you want the comfort of that heat when it's chilly, there's less moisture in the air during winter and hot showers can further dehydrate your skin. Make shower as tepid as can tolerate. If you can't stand the chill, find a space heater safe for bathroom use. Take shorter, fewer, cooler or soap free shower

Don't assume that drinking water.

Replacing fluids internally is enough to keep your skin healthy during cold weather. Zalka is all of drinking water to stay hydrated but cautions that  moisture from the extra fluids can evaporate if not trapped by the epidermis, the skin's outer layer.

Moisturizing is so important this time of year because it protects the outer layer from winter's wrath while retaining natural moisture from with. Remember that certain beverages are dehydrating such as those containing alcohol or caffeine, so consume them in moderation,

Don't necessarily stick to the same

A skin care regimen that worked during the warm, humid days of summer may not provide the same results in cold weather. Change your cleanser from a strong to milder formulation, your exfoliator from strong to gentler and your moisturizer from light to richer. humidify the air in your home, especially in your bedroom so that healing and repair can take place while you sleep.

Don't forget sunblock.

It's just as important during winter as it is in summer, In the winter it feels cold because very little infrared light reaches the earth. The opposite is true in the summer. However, in the winter ultraviolet light is 90 percent as strong as it is in the summer but since we can't feel or see it. we mistakenly think it's absent, too.

Don't ignore hair and nails.

They made of the same basic compounds as the skin and crack and split in similar fashion. B vitamin supplements can improve skin hair and nails, especially during winter. clothing can protect exposed, sensitive skin such as the cheeks and hands but be careful of fabrics like rough wool that can further irritate chapped skin. wearing slightly loose cotton gloves to bed after applying a sealant will speed the healing process for hurting hands and nails.

For more information visit

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